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Our Ministries

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Center Hill offers an array of ministries that will challenge, cultivate, and change your life. We believe your unique gifts and talents are an asset to the Kingdom of God.

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Men Perfecting Men

Men are the foundation of any community and church. We strive to encourage and build strong Godly men through prayer, fellowship, and the Word of God. These avenues provide structure that prove vital in Men Perfecting Men through the love of God. Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

Membership Services

We strive to meet the needs of the total man and woman of God. Membership Services offers a variety of ministries that will help you find your place in our church. Our marriage ministry helps couples build "Holy and Happy" marriages. Memberships Services guides new members through new members classes, baptisms, and baby dedications.

Women's Ministry

We offer an assortment of learning and fellowship opportunities for Christian women. Our Young Women Christian Counsel and other programs help to develop and balance  productive Christian ladies.The purpose of the Women's Ministry is to build up women spiritually by teaching them to excel in the Word of God, through studying, prayer, and fasting, that we all may become "Women of Excellence". 

Youth Ministry

The purpose of youth ministry at Center Hill is to equip, prepare, support and encourage the youth to live out their faith in Jesus Christ. The youth engage in a variety of ministries and activities. These include Sunshine Band, Purity, Vacation Bible School, Sunday and Wednesday Bible studies. 

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Music Ministry

The primary purpose of the  music ministry is to give glory, honor, and praise to God. The Center Hill Praise and Worship team is made up of church members who have the desire to sing and worship the Lord. All aspects of our Music Ministry aim to keep Christ’s Presence a reality for musicians and parishioners alike.

Inreach/Outreach Ministry

This ministry helps restore hope and provide opportunities for people to become all that God intends them to be. The local church puts Christian faith into action through service to the community.(The desired depts. can be listed here, I think the angel tree and the jail outreach would be good to have. I am would like to help with those) We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 NASB

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